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Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation)

mp3 players for myspace, mp3 players best buy, sony mp3 players, sansa mp3 players, sandisk mp3 players, mp3 players at target, sandisk mp3 players, creative zen mp3 playersmp3 players for myspace, mp3 players best buy, sony mp3 players, sansa mp3 players, sandisk mp3 players, mp3 players at target, sandisk mp3 players, creative zen mp3 playersThe iPod touch has always been an amazing iPod. And with its groundbreaking technologies--including a Multi-Touch screen, the accelerometer, and 3D graphics--and access to hundreds of games, iPod touch puts an amazing gaming experience in the palm of your hand. It comes in 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB models with new volume controls and a built-in speaker. Play hours of music. Create a Genius Playlist of songs that go great together. Watch a movie. Surf the web. View rich HTML email. Find your location and get directions with Google Maps. Browse YouTube videos. And shop the App Store for games and applications.
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